energia hajutav röntgenanalüüs

energia hajutav röntgenanalüüs

Energy Dispersive X-ray Analysis

Energy Dispersive X-ray Analysis (EDX) is a powerful technique used in various scientific fields for the elemental analysis of materials. It provides valuable information about the composition and distribution of elements present in a sample. This article aims to provide a detailed explanation of the EDX technique, its principles, instrumentation, and applications.

Principles of Energy Dispersive X-ray Analysis:
EDX relies on the interaction of high-energy X-rays with the sample. When the X-rays collide with the atoms, they cause the expulsion of inner shell electrons. The resulting ionized atoms then fill the created vacancies by outer shell electrons, emitting characteristic X-rays in the process. These characteristic X-rays are unique to each element and can be detected and analyzed using an energy dispersive detector.

EDX analysis requires specialized equipment, typically integrated with scanning electron microscopes (SEMs) and transmission electron microscopes (TEMs). The primary components of the EDX system include an X-ray detector, a solid-state detector, and an analyzer. The X-ray detector captures the emitted X-rays, while the solid-state detector converts them into electrical signals. The analyzer then sorts and quantifies the X-rays based on their energies, revealing the elemental composition of the sample.

The EDX analysis begins by preparing the sample for examination. The sample is mounted on a conducting substrate and placed in the vacuum chamber of the SEM or TEM. A high-energy electron beam is then directed onto the sample, causing the emission of characteristic X-rays. The X-rays are collected by the detector and converted into energy signals. These signals are processed and analyzed to determine the elemental composition and concentration in the sample.

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EDX analysis finds applications in various scientific fields, including materials science, geology, biology, and archaeology. In materials science, it is used for quality control, elemental mapping, and identification of unknown compounds. In geology, EDX assists in mineral identification and determining the chemical composition of rocks. In biology, it aids in studying the elemental distribution in cells and tissues. Lisaks, EDX is also used in archaeology to analyze the chemical composition of ancient artifacts and archaeological materials.

Energy Dispersive X-ray Analysis is a valuable tool for elemental analysis in various scientific disciplines. Its ability to provide detailed information about the composition and distribution of elements in a sample makes it indispensable in research and industry. With continued advancements in technology, EDX is expected to further contribute to the understanding and advancement of various fields.

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