balmer series wavelengths

balmer series wavelengths

Balmer Series Wavelengths

The Balmer series is a set of spectral lines in the visible region of the electromagnetic spectrum that are emitted when electrons in the hydrogen atom transition between higher energy levels to the second energy level. These spectral lines were discovered by Johann Balmer in 1885 and played a crucial role in the development of quantum mechanics.

1. Hydrogen Spectrum:
The hydrogen atom consists of a single proton in the nucleus and an electron orbiting around it. When energy is supplied to the hydrogen atom, the electron can be excited to higher energy levels. When the electron returns back to the second energy level, it emits energy in the form of light. The wavelengths of this emitted light form the Balmer series.

2. Balmer series equations:
The Balmer series can be described by a mathematical equation known as the Balmer formula:

λ = R * (1/n?2 – 1/n?2)

λ represents the wavelength of the emitted light,
R is the Rydberg constant, equal to 1.097 x 10^7 m?1,
n? is the initial energy level, and
n? is the final energy level.

3. Wavelengths of Balmer series:
The Balmer series consists of several spectral lines in the visible region of the electromagnetic spectrum. The first line in the Balmer series (n? = 3) corresponds to the transition from the third energy level (n? = 2) to the second energy level. This spectral line is known as Hα and has a wavelength of approximately 656.3 nm.

The second spectral line (n? = 4) corresponds to the transition from the fourth energy level (n? = 2) to the second energy level. This line is called Hβ and has a wavelength of around 486.1 nm.

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Similarly, the third line () corresponds to the transition from the fifth energy level to the second energy level, and its wavelength is approximately 434.0 nm. The fourth line () corresponds to the transition from the sixth energy level to the second energy level and has a wavelength of about 410.2 nm.

The Balmer series wavelengths provide valuable information about the energy levels and transitions in the hydrogen atom. These spectral lines, discovered by Johann Balmer, have played a significant role in the development of quantum mechanics and our understanding of atomic structure. The Balmer formula allows for the calculation of the wavelengths of these spectral lines, providing a foundation for further exploration of atomic physics.

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