helium emission spectrum wavelengths

helium emission spectrum wavelengths

Title: Helium Emission Spectrum Wavelengths

The helium emission spectrum is a phenomenon that occurs when helium gas is excited and emits light. This emission of light consists of specific wavelengths that are characteristic of helium. In dit artikel, we will explore the different wavelengths and their significance in the helium emission spectrum.

I. The Basics of Emission Spectra
A. Definition: An emission spectrum is a pattern of lines or bands of light produced when an element is energized and emits photons.
B. Why it occurs: When atoms are excited, their electrons move to higher energy levels. As the electrons return to their ground state, they release energy in the form of light.

II. Helium and its Emission Spectrum
A. Helium gas: Helium is a noble gas with the atomic number 2 and is present in small amounts in the Earth’s atmosphere.
B. Excitation of helium atoms: Helium atoms can be excited through various methods, such as electrical discharge or exposure to high temperatures.
C. Observation of emission spectrum: When helium gas is excited, it emits light, which can be observed using a spectrometer.

III. Wavelengths in Helium Emission Spectrum
A. Balmer series: The Balmer series is a set of spectral lines in the visible region of the electromagnetic spectrum. These lines correspond to the transitions of electrons from higher energy levels to the second energy level.
1. Strongest line: The strongest line in the Balmer series is the Hα line, which has a wavelength of approximately 656.3 nanometers.
2. Other Balmer lines: The Balmer series also includes Hβ (486.1 nm), (434.0 nm), (410.2 nm), and so on.

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B. Other series and lines: Apart from the Balmer series, helium emits light in other spectral series as well.
1. Lyman series: The Lyman series corresponds to transitions to the first energy level and consists of ultraviolet lines.
2. Paschen series: The Paschen series corresponds to transitions to the third energy level and consists of infrared lines.
3. Other lines: Helium also emits lines in the infrared, visible, and ultraviolet regions, each associated with specific electron transitions.

The helium emission spectrum exhibits a variety of wavelengths, each corresponding to a specific electron transition. The Balmer series, including the Hα line at 656.3 nm, is the most prominent in the visible region. Other series and lines, such as the Lyman and Paschen series, extend into the ultraviolet and infrared regions, respectively. Understanding the helium emission spectrum and its wavelengths allows scientists to study and identify helium in various contexts.

(Note: This example article provides a structure based on the given topic. The actual content and specific wavelengths may vary based on research and available information.)

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