nir range wavelength

nir range wavelength

NIR Range Wavelength


The NIR (Near-Infrared) range refers to the region of the electromagnetic spectrum that spans from approximately 750 nanometers (纳米) to 2500 纳米. This range of wavelengths is of great significance in various scientific fields and industries, including spectroscopy, food quality inspection, agriculture, and pharmaceuticals. 在本文中, we will delve deeper into the NIR range wavelength and its applications.

我. The NIR Range Wavelength:

A. Definition and Boundaries:

The NIR range wavelength is defined as the portion of the electromagnetic spectrum that falls between the visible and mid-infrared regions. It starts at around 750 纳米, which is the longest wavelength that can be perceived by the human eye as a deep red color. The upper boundary of the NIR range is generally considered to be around 2500 纳米, although some definitions extend it up to 3000 nm or beyond.

乙. Characteristics:

1. Invisible to Human Eye:

The wavelengths of light within the NIR range are invisible to the human eye, as they fall outside the spectrum of visible light. 然而, specialized instruments and sensors can detect and measure NIR wavelengths accurately.

2. Penetrating Power:

NIR light has excellent penetration capabilities. It can pass through various materials, such as plastics, papers, and fabrics, allowing for non-destructive analysis and inspection.

3. Absorption Spectra:

Different compounds and substances exhibit unique absorption characteristics within the NIR range. This property makes NIR spectroscopy a powerful tool for chemical analysis and identification.

二. Applications of NIR Range Wavelength:

A. Spectroscopy:

1. Pharmaceutical Quality Analysis:


NIR spectroscopy is extensively used in the pharmaceutical industry to analyze the quality, purity, and composition of drugs. The unique absorption spectra of different compounds within the NIR range can provide valuable information about the chemical composition and structural changes in pharmaceutical products.

2. Agriculture:

NIR spectroscopy is used in agriculture for rapid and non-destructive analysis of soil composition, nutrient levels, and crop quality. This information helps farmers in making informed decisions about fertilizers, irrigation, and crop management.

乙. Food Quality Inspection:

1. Quality Control:

The NIR range wavelength is utilized in the food industry to assess the quality and authenticity of various products. NIR spectroscopy can determine parameters such as moisture content, fat content, sugar levels, and protein content, ensuring compliance with regulatory standards and preventing adulteration.

2. Ripeness and Maturity Assessment:

NIR spectroscopy helps determine the ripeness and maturity of fruits and vegetables based on their biochemical composition. This knowledge aids in optimizing harvest times and ensuring the delivery of high-quality produce to the market.


The NIR range wavelength, spanning from 750 nm to 2500 纳米, plays a vital role in various scientific disciplines and industries. Its unique characteristics, such as invisible visibility, penetration power, and absorption spectra, make it a valuable tool for chemical analysis, quality control, and assessment in fields like pharmaceuticals, agriculture, and food inspection. Continued advancements in NIR technology promise even broader applications in the future.


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